Monday, January 23, 2006

Yum Yum! Eating with hands is Goode!

DSC_18972, originally uploaded by youheng1.

OY:"Hmm what should i order? ...lets Madurai Set?"

SY:"MARDURA set? MARDURA SET?! OMG.. Nocardia!... urk pus filled legs!"

OY:"eh. shit. really?"

Colin:"NO... maduRAI..not madura..wha lao you guys *shakes head*"



SunB:" *roflol*... no comment"

Well, that concludes my hot date with Sunder. Thanks dude for all the help with ordering the gooshy food and for teaching me to eat like a PRO.

Ok, maybe not pro. but, at least ive eaten with my hands at least once in my life!

and oei, how come siying can eat the rice with her hands like a fish in water... you tell me!

btw, that mango drink thing rocks... (bottom right of the photo) whats it called again?

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