Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Well if you didn't understand that...

Neither did I!
its a computer generated piece of rubbish. *seriously*
can't tell the difference eh?
heres the shocker, Alan Sokal, a well known physicist submitted a piece just like that to an academic Journal of Post-modernism. It got accepted and formed that basis of the Sokal Affair. Apparently its acceptance and subsequent publishing raised alot of controversy as the editors of the Journal failed to pick up the difference between real academic writing and total bullshit which he had fabricated (deliberately) with the most ludicious of concepts.

Its rather embarassing to call yourself a professor of postmodernist philosophy when you can't tell bullshit from real writing.
Even more disturbingly,
A TOTALLY computer generated article was accepted to be presented at a conference on computer science. Though, thankfully, it was not peer reviewed or published... well you can see where this goes...

On another note: DIE COFM. DIE HRM. fuffy puff masquarading as Science.

for more info:
check out the other hoaxes based on pseudoscientific writing!

and to get your very own personal paper on postmodernism, heres the computer generator! papers are just a refresh away...

its pretty cool to read how the generated the paper - recursive grammars which form the basis of the sentence syntax.

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