Thursday, January 12, 2006

Whats in a name?

DSC_1382zbz2222, originally uploaded by youheng1.

a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
origami flowers of my own design. whee!

I watched Narnia today!

Overall, it was a pretty good movie.
The christian theme was certainly brought out clearly and powerfully by the director.. while i can't comment on the moral principles articulated, i did however walk away with a very clear idea of what not to do as an evil white witch...

first, some quotes:

1) "bwahahahahaha Mr Faun.. you shall die in the knowledge that this boy betrayed you for candies!"

2) "bwahahaha Aslan, you shall die in the knowledge that your death shall be worth nothing as my armies will crush yours tomorrow"

3) "(this one is more of a mental thought) bwahahah, this stupid boy with a new sword is taking on me as a experienced swordsmaster! wow... DUH!....(some time later)... oh such a pity!.. he couldn't block that parry! hoho... kena knocked helpless on the floor... i wonder what i should do?... hmm... pose dramatically or kill him? i guess i'll pose dramatically!....(more stylised fighting some time later).. WHAT THE!!! *sounds of being eaten by a lion*"

i guess the last one says it all. :)

also... one of the themes of the movie was - heros are not not born, they are made by circumstance. heros are simply the people who rose to the challenge.

make a hero out of me.

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