I just feel so sleepy! *yawns!*
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Your IQ Is 130 |
![]() Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius Your General Knowledge is Exceptional |
Capt. Winky
yes.. i think it suits me. i love the 1950's art noveu style of tongue in cheek humour. :)
Your Porn Star Name Is... |
![]() |
Friday, December 30, 2005
That red dress II
At her request. I like this one even more! I guess working with limited material makes one more creative!
Fooling around with B/W
The small dynamic range of the simple p/s is revealed. its hard to maintain detail due to the lack of range.
aiming for the "jean yip" look
And you're drowning.
I was suddenly reminded of that phrase when I was looking at how much more patho i had to do.
This is the sea, and im drowning. On the bright side, im getting some good use out of the graphic tablet. (i love my wacom) Looking forward to doing some painting later.
Oh and before we forget:
Happy Birthday Pearlly! You looked absolutely stunningly magnificently fabulous in the red dress yesterday! The coming of age has really treated you well! :)
Thanks for the meal and for being there always. I wish i had my camera... hah.
Nat was kind enough to lend me hers - so the craving was not left entirely unsatisfied. *grin*
Tetralogy of Ouyang
another one from my warped mind. hopefully this will be far from reality... or at least a rare, statistically insignificant disease.. *nods*
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Its horrendous! Its fast spreading! Its killing Medical Students in a world wide epidemic! Its STUDY RESISTANT STAPH. AUREUS!
First Line therapy: "Continuous Hard Work"
has failed due to a resistance in the WC3 and PON.SCH genes encoded on plasmids now known to originate from the NUS medical society lounge.
With no choice at hand, we are issuing guidelines for 2nd Line therapy.
Second Line Therapy: "Continuous IV Coffee"
until plasma levels are saturated with "Caffeine .tm" the active metabolite. Special preparations of Caffi-augmentin include 36 hr depots combining 10 parts "No Sleep" with one part "Caffeine" are also available for the ultimate synergistic effect.
Treatment must be discontinued immediately when the patient shows signs of permanent personality disorders (common), CNS aberrations such as hallucinations/delusions of grandeur and potential obsessive compulsive-like behavior with reoccurring visions of “A” grades in some mysterious meta-state the patients all report to be like an exam hall with papers in it. Researchers are still piecing together the cause for the common hallucination shared amongst sufferers.
The medical community is poised to remain vigilant against this terrible disease.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Coming or going?
Some people. Always in a rush. Hurry hurry hurry. find the juxtaposition quite interesting. haha.
Aged Trees.
I love the atmosphere of this shot... even though its compositionally nothing fantastic. (would have loved it to be less cluttered)
Anyways, I can't quite get the hang of creating that moody feel to some of the really good shots by the pros. I wonder what im not doing right.
Tata Christmas 2005!
I guess its another year till i hear the carols again. :)
Heres a cheapo shot. The vignetting was added by attaching my 80 - 200mm lens hood to the 20 -35mm lens. The excessive length of the hood caused the image to be cropped - making it look like extreme vignetting.
Oh and to my dear niece, thanks for the gift and lovely card! Its brilliant! *grin*
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Why we study
When you're staring at pathogenesis of infectious diseases for the 50th time today, take a moment to think about whats it all about.
maybe its because people actually get sick and do feel like crap sometimes. Having just recovered from a flu and some GE bacterial infection/food poisoning, i must say, being sick sucks! Was feeling tired, sick and down. Fever and the constant urge to vomit can quickly sap your energy and drive you to depression. This is the first time ive been sick since i entered uni. so its a bit of a change.
Health REALLY is everything to you. I think we do forget that when we're well.
Nurse Lao
Im starting to process the Playhouse 05 photos. This shall kick it off!
Dr Lao to be, in a nurse's gown! *tsk* haha Lao, you're never going to live this down man... :)
ZT the congenitally unlucky and incumbent Medsoc President. We salute you for being such a good sport.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Agent Orange
Teratogenic and dumped in tons over Vietnams peaceful forests. America should be shamed. This is as terrible a biochemical weapon as any.
*Pictured: two fetuses fused together at the waist - resulting in a thankful abortion. The children that lived have had to deal with hideous deformities for a lifetime. Unable to fend for themselves, they often resort to begging the streets.
Its rush hour in Saigon and everybody is hurrying to get home!
1/10 shutter speed, 55mm focal length.
Shot with the 350d Kit lens which to all canon users... im sorry to say, your kit lens is worse than shit. Having used it for 9 days, i can't wait to get rid of it. Honestly. Canon, you can do better! The 18 - 70 SWM from Nikon is heaven.
Too much Medicine is bad for you
I was reviewing my photos during a study break when i came across this. The first thing that popped into mind was... "Hello!? Mycobacteria bovis! GI tuberculosis! INH therapy!"
...and then the awful truth struck - we have been/are/will be studying too hard.. but what to do with exams around the corner?
On the flip side,
I suppose this is one reason we call medfac home. If only for the simple fact we actually LIVE in it. Its boxing day, and we have about 8 pple from my batch mugging in school. Mug on comrades! you know who you are!
btw.. check this out
5 things you didn't want to know.
Thank you Sunder, for giving me an excuse to post - Anyways,
Rules of the game:1. Post 5 weird/random stuff about yourself.2. At the end, list the names of 5 people whom you want next to do this, and leave a comment "YOU ARE TAGGED!" in their blog and tell them to read your blog for rules.
1. As a kid, medical science interested me. What i was especially interested in was a certain "Mr Barrier" who was perpetually in "Operation" all over
2. For most of the 2nd half of my JC two year, I spent much of physics tutorials thinking of a method to measure the speed of light. This project was supported by my physics tutor, Mr Lee Lih Juin, to which, I am very thankful. He eventually allowed me to use the physics lab for experiments. Unfortunately, the experiments were a failure due to the capacitance of the LDR we used, causing it to be inadequately sensitive by an order of a magnitude. It would have worked if I had more lab space though (specifically about 1km of room)
3. As an artist, I can’t draw to save my life. I’ve always relied on simplifying the subject/ avoiding it/ cartooning it or using digital media to substitute it.
4. I design clothes for people mentally -ie imagine the fabric, texture, colors, areas of emphasis etc. Yes, that would involve a rather freakish “thinking about people”… so ahem, I do think about YOU occasionally.
5. My personal philosophy is Objectivism. Read Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged to get a better overview. I have also considered quite seriously religious dogmas for living - with Christianity being the major religion. I accept and abide by most of its tenets and morals. (mine being a mix between the two, Christianity and objectivism) What fails me is in the department of Belief and Worship. I have to date rejected Christianity, but it would be a lie to say it was an easy rejection.
And now for the New contenders!
The chosen ones, not in any particular order:
1. Siying – please blog. *grumbles*
2. Jinesh – Would interesting to peer into your head.
3. Nat Lam – ditto!
4. Nat Woong – for the beauty of your posts
5. Hmm, the rest have been tagged.. so this shall stay blank. heh
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all! (including the people i don't like)
Blogging since i woke up next to Julie (my lappy) before heading off on a day of christmas fuuun. toodles. :)
Friday, December 16, 2005
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Happy Birthday Xueting!
Calling all Pilots, Policemen, anybody in a smart looking uniform! Remember 16th the Dec! (hint: Xueting says shes still available)
The Simple Act of Ordering a Dish!
I think this photo brings to mind the phrase: "Love is a many splendoured thing!"
Its amazing (not to mention interesting to watch) how both of them, serene and todd, can make the simple act of ordering food so lively and bubbly - The power of love compels!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Because you make me smile that smile...
Because You make me smile that secret Smile
- i won’t cause Your converse Cry.
Went to watch the Kyiv Soloist concert today.. which was excellent! (so excellent, MM Lee Kuan Yew attended heh... more on that later)
The violin and viola piece really floored me. It was so romantic to see the violinist leading the viola (and vice versa) over and over, never letting the pitch die down. they played stanzas of ascending notes.. and just as each stanza died away, the other picked the where it was left off... it spoke of catching one another whilst falling and bringing out the best in each other! Two voices reaching for the peak!
The orchastra, naturally, played to a standing ovation.
And whoa. what was that deal about the Lead violinist being the daughter of the conductor? A formidable violinist in his own right... She was nothing short of stunning! Music must run in the blood. (for rodney, i still can't get over the fact that you and sister are so musically talented! but... dude...never give it up even though you might have hit a musical pothole! The judges must be blind/deaf and dumb*!)
*the stupid sort of dumb.. not mute. *grin*
Now, about Mr LKY. Mr "i not stupid.. but really suicidal" OY... thumbed my nose at him on a whim. and thats that... i've thumbed my nose at the man who made Singapore. (he was looking the other way of course - i haven't got too many places to stay in JB when my cheeky arse gets sod off by the nice and friendly singaporean court *grin*)
But that said: I shall reiterate my stand less people misunderstand my youthful mischief! I have nothing but the utmost respect for our MM. When we say the Man made Singapore, it is in my opinion the gospel truth. I do not believe that history would come to the same prosperous conclusion if He had not taken power in Singapore. My salutations!
Don't we just love the christmas cheer going around in our batch? im so sorry i had to miss the christmas performances in the LT! *whines*
Screening Love Actually was a nice touch too! (thanks to Jeremy and Co for making it HAPPEN!)
A very happy me. *wink*
as you can guess. surrounded by medicine's pride and joy: our female counterparts!
Orchid Flower

DSC_3563, originally uploaded by youheng1.
The truly spectacular genus Dendrobium (den-DRO-bee-um) contains the largest diversity of horticulturally interesting specimens. More than 1,000 natural species make dendrobium the second-largest orchid genus (next to Bulbophyllum) in the orchid family, which has over 700 genera.
- Division: Magnoliophyta
- Class: Liliopsida
- SubClass: base monocots
- Order: Asparagales
- SubOrder:
- Family: Orchidaceae
- SubFamily: Epidendroideae
- Tribe: Dendrobieae
- SubTribe: Dendrobiinae
The other side of Singapore
The phrase dirty old minded men comes to mind...
shot around Little India area - a whole street of carnal delights.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Phrases to Remember
2)I am already whole and complete.
3)I am Renting my Body as my 20 year old personality battles the billion year old Body.
4)I am in charge of Me.
5)Intellect is the opposite of Emotion.
6)Emotion motivates Intellect
7)Where do you stand?
A Fact without Belief becomes Opinion. An Opinion with Belief becomes fact.
8)Opposites attract.
9)There will always be another.
10)But there won't be another you.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Pearlly Hot Chic!
Not my photo, but i edited it to... as i would put it: reveal her inner STUNNING beauty! You go girl! *cat calls!*
Yes, im allergic to seafood
Gah, after taking some of the prawn and squid contaminated steamboat food plus a siumai that had pure prawn, i came home with the classic signs of seafood allergy. Had a mildly swollen face and was tachycardic. Very very itchy throat and inner ear... sorta reminded me of the time when my dad used to make me eat seafood because he didn't believe i was allergic to it. Well... DAMNIT: MY IgE levels ARE high. End of story. :)
Friday, December 09, 2005
Christmas Time
Yes, Precisely: Where art thou the presents!
I love MUMMY dear for the spanking new Wacom Tablet for christmas! (Hear the jingle bells!)
My handwritings a little shaky on this... but i think a quick change to the felt tip should do the trick.
More illustrations to follow!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Martin Portrait
My first attempt at digital painting! And on my new Wacom graphic tablet too! Whayhey! WHOO! can't quite get the eyes right though. Not bad for a first and 2 hours of work.
The difference of an opinion.
I call it Black.
You call it White.
We call it Our Delight!
We might just form a pact
But You won't lend Me a Peck!
We'll call it End of contract?
So I plead a “Heart Attack!”
That You might make light
and twice consider My plight!
Yet You shirk my blackened Lack
"to go face facts!"
-won't you then change your tact?
To humble My voice
We shall yet Rejoice!
And call it: Grey
To please the Grey heavens
Of the halfway day.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Jiashen the Heavy Metal Industrial Man
Oh man. This photo brings back happy memories from float. I still remember the almost maniac glee on Jiashen's face when he was cutting the steel beams! Thanks bro, once again, float just wouldn't be the same without you. :)
Monday, December 05, 2005
The buzz word in today's business world is MARKETING. However, people often
ask for a simple explanation of "Marketing." Well, here it is:
You're a man and you see a pretty at a party. You go up to hher and
say, "I'm fantastic in bed." That's Direct Marketing.
You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a pretty girl. One of
your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says, He's fantastic in
bed." That's Advertising.
You see a pretty girl at a party. You go up to her and get her telephone
number. The next day you call and say, "Hi, I'm fantastic in bed." That's
You see a girl at a party, you straighten your dress. You walk up to her and
pour her a drink. You say, "May I," and reach up to straighten her shirt,
brushing your hands lightly against his arm, and then say, "By the way, I'm
fantastic in bed." That's Public Relations.
You're at a party and see a pretty girl. She walks up to you and says, "I
hear you're fantastic in bed." That's Brand Recognition.
You're at a party and see a pretty girl. She fancies you, but you talk her
into going home with your friend. That's a Sales Rep.
Your friend can't satisfy her so she calls you. That's Tech Support.
You're on your way to a party when you realize that there could be pretty girls in all these houses you're passing. So you climb onto the roof of one
situated towards the center and shout at the top of your lungs, "I'm
fantastic in bed!" That's Junk Mail.
Plant Abstract
Nature designed these incredible works of art! Every leaf is mathematically perfect... it would be wonderful if i could capture that perfection.
Mangy HDB Hunter II
Heres another one from the series with a different tone to the same subject matter (hdb cats) again.
Dreamy Lavender
I love the surrealistic tone on this piece! *grin*
Check out the coloured version on the flickr pages. I think this one works a whole lot better though.
I like pushed contrast and desaturated images. Gives the image a totally different look which reminds me of the old portra NC films...
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Glassblower man... blow me a fish?
A traditional glassblower from Myanmar. Shot on the deliciously suited for portraiture: 24-70 f2.8 Sigma (the low light lifesaver) *grin*
The market as shot in the night.
It's got a vaguely eerie feeling to it... was wandering around a wet market with its dim lights and empty stalls all so stationary and silent. Wheres all the busy hussel bussel of the day? *shivers*
-shot on the 10-20mm
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Miss Tan and her trigger happy fixation II
Greater desaturation and gamma makes the image look entirely different. Hmm... im still coming to terms with how to best optimize photos for a more natural vs a more pictorial/editorial look.
The last post has been removed. I thought it looked jarring to the eyes.
Anyway here is the original text (below) and the previous photo can be found on the flickr page. (DSC_0954.jpg)
**More from the lensbaby. This was shot in the LT while demonstrating the lens to Howen. Noise on the D70 is getting rather annoying... (noticeable at iso 800) and white balance under fluorescent light just sucks. Its times like this that i wish i could jump ship to canon.. but i guess we work with what we have.
corrections to remove some minor zits and rectify the white balance was done. Image was also desaturated on account of the white balance modification to prevent excessively unnatural colouration."**