Sunday, December 17, 2006

Health screening 2005

DSC_3789b2, originally uploaded by oyclubsnap2.

I was just reviewing some old photos - and ive decided to convert some of the better ones into proper b/ws.

It works really well here due to the simplicity of the scene, plenty of contrast to work with too.


Anonymous said...

I don't know about you, but I've seen your other photos, think you're pretty decent, but I do not like this photo at all. If anything there is no particular focus, and the composition and makeup's pretty much messy if there's a word to describe it. =/

Ou yang, Chicken EATER! *rarrs!* said...

do leave your name btw. im assuming you're a fellow photographer. :)

Ou yang, Chicken EATER! *rarrs!* said...

the focus is on the hands messing with the glucose meter in contrast to the patient's look of horror...

it IS a messy photo - thats how its supposed to be in real life. The patient was being restrained because he was hyperactive. this is a scene from one of the special schools in singapore.

i think the photo fully conveys what its meant to. guess the lack of the other anchor really spoils the photo - what to do? patient privacy comes first.

but its a good crit. and i appreciate it. :)