Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Side view of the Esplanade

DSC_1735, originally uploaded by ou yang.


Alvin said...

Hey, beautiful picture! Same goes for the earlier one of the Fullerton and that of the bridge! I simply love the colours! =)

Ou yang, Chicken EATER! *rarrs!* said...

thanks man. :P

its my holiday photography that ive been neglecting in the hectic rush of postings....

more to come!

Anonymous said...

whoa! lovely! where is this taken from? which point along the river?


clare said...

phwoarrrr i like both v much! the fullerton and this one. pretty pretty prettyyyyy =D the colours are intoxicating i want to kope your camera. hahahaha but i'd prolly never get anything out of it! anyway i think the fullerton one looks a bit erm, flat? i dunno it doesn't seem to have much depth. but it's so pretty!