Thursday, November 30, 2006
White rabbit
"hullo!" said the white rabbit, "you're obsessive compulsive."
"no im not - and you're not real!"
"yes you are... oh suit yourself!" He retorted (as if it was clear as day!) He then twitched his furry little nose and beckoned me to follow him home. we reached shortly after about 40 hops?
slightly out of breath, we stood expectantly at the entrance of his very own rabbit hole. It was a posh european affair complete with lettuce trimmings... i couldn't help but be impressed! "thats a nice place you have mr rabbit!"
My praise was lost as he fixed me with a ferociously deadly stare (as all rabbits can do when they get annoyed!)
"in you go then! hurry hurry! we have no time to lose!"
"wait!" i shouted as he plunged in! "im too big!"
and then he was gone...
alone now, i sat down and cried.
from the distance came a shrill voice:
"oh yes you are"
"oh yes you are"
"oh yes you are"
damnit. im obsessive compulsive.
What the hell is this? too much studying is bad for the brain...
whats worse, i can't even concentrate properly because the OCD keeps me from focusing. I wish i had a credit card and time to plan.
Friday, November 24, 2006
sniff sniff. im sick damnit.
however seems that ive overdone it recently, no thanks to my wonderful mentor whos been hounding be for more nightcalls and ortho cases.
as such i spent wednesday night in NUH, leaving at about 4.45 am.
got to see quite a few things though - henoch schonlein purpura, galeazzi fracture, supracondylar fracture and a fractured clavicle. all this as well as a few other crush injuries.
have more pharmaco and ortho to do. so im spiralling into a hopeless panic. damn.
oh. haha. interesting anecdote. the fractured clavicle guy was damn tough! he fractured it during the day at around 2pm at a rugby match whilst blocking off a tackle. when asked why he only decided to present at the A&E at around 11.3opm, he casually shrugged and said - it wasn't that painful with a splint on.. and besides he had to go for his post N'levels prom.
Can you imagine how garung that must have been? imagine a guy walking around during prom with a triangular sling because of a fractured clavicle. he was still smiling when he said this.
Monday, November 13, 2006
E-call! code blue!
lol. even the arcades are getting in to the act!
in this entirely bizarre arcade game, shanhan battles a RTA whilst driving to the hospital. the dumbest thing is that the "patient" gradually goes into cardiac arrest as the time slips away and whenever shanhan crashes into something.
the animation was pretty funny - we were reading ECG with clinical disdain. :)
can you smell it? theres love in the air!
actually no, you can't, not over the internet dummy! Then again, we live in an era of advanced biotechnology so lets see what science has to offer us. hah!
turns out, there ARE these friends whom you can turn to though. :) see link
the 99.9% pure lab reagent looks pretty good, none of that *only 95% pure* muck! so choose your company carefully.. afterall, what is cost?
For the uninitiated biochemist, go wiki androstenone - this is so disgustingly clinical. *polite cough*
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Trashing the AI bots!
Alex and Jiashen get their bloodlust fulfiled as they shoot it out in "time crisis II"
goodness i haven't played that for like a million years... good to see that loh still retains his quick draw gun action from the army... he actually nearly completed the game on a single set of credits - which is to say, either incredibly lucky or superb reflexes.
the fellowship...
alex, jiashen (doby), shanhan and winston. :)
four *damn* fast friends. thats life buddy.
More doby-isms
shanhan: eh doby that all you're eating? thats like what you eat in the canteen everyday loh....
doby: food is functional what! *stares at food*...whats wrong with this?
Toasting to Jiashen
haha one of my more eccentric ideas: since we were celebrating loh's birthday, i suggested giving him a toast. in absence of any alcohol, i had a brilliant but lame inspiration to use the peanut butter toast from the nearby store. :)
pretty fun for us, and pretty embarrassing for loh when we all burst into the happy birthday song afterwards. heh, proud to say, we turned quite a few heads. (such public menaces we are!)
this stunt btw, earned me the nickname, psycho-boy from doby. and to top it off, here we have it from the horses mouth: " eh psycho-boy, you might want to re-evaluate your life yah? you knock it down..."
very doby indeed. i love the m5s.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
One of the many fountains
vivo city is beautifu! - i love the "streamline moderne*" design with all the sleek lines and nautical references merged together with the interestingly quirky adaptations from postmodern/ expressionist architectural movements. :)
*streamline moderne is a distinctive style in itself - characterised by: curving forms, sleek lines, internal illumination and perhaps, borrowings from nautical designUninspired nightview of Sentosa.
Didn't have a tripod - or the proper equipment (my ultrawide).
however ive identified vivo city and nearby sentosa as *the* new photog hotspot. will get some serious photog done soon :) expect better!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Reginald and Me
Right after the end of the annual ACS christmas dinner where we played the good MCees! :)
here shown trying our hand at some light *perversity*
Reginald the handsome dude on the left, can REALLY REALLY sing, hes a great guy, caring, thoughtful.. mhm. bit of a softy inside too! he is also still single. get his number from me if you're so inclined.
why do i love pimping my friends?
Mark the professor (in the making)
Damn good show! haha rock on man! :)
ps. for the ladies, hes still available! and very very very nice - puts me to shame. gah!. :)
les les les!!! hahaha. yingci and et are going to kill me for this.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
The belly of the fish!
Here are the links!
1) Rehearsal
2)Actual Day (I)
3)Actual Day (II)
4)The M5's
In addition to the top few, there are 2 more group photos which i uploaded at higher resolution. :)
Cast and Crew, Final and edited and colour corrected!M3's at the end of Playhouse, onstage!
Enjoy, and don't forget to leave comments. heh
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Big Big Cast Photo!
Congratulations ALL AROUND!
M3's have won playhouse best overall play!! It was a fabulous performance, superb script (thank you el, amanda and chris!), superb props, makeup, lights and costumes (thank you nat, jean, janice, alvin, wayne and the rest of the makeup and set people! whoo hoo!
and good acting too. :) see photo for the cast. hehe
will blog more when the photos are up. the first day rehearsal photos are already up on the right hand side of this page, under the title - photo pages.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
contrary to my public happy happy persona. im feeling rather old and tired at the moment. useless useless useless.
oh hell. bugger off.
btw, my counsellee got herself warded for ovarian torsion. shes post op now - but is stable. she'll be out in a day or two... at least thats some cheer.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Experiment with foreground leaves
hmm. i was wondering what the effect would be like to shoot the tiger through foilage to add some depth and colour to the composition - i dunno if the effect is pleasing.
on one hand, its not wildly succesful as was hoped, neither is it however, ugly! you decide? comments?
Animal Photo 2
another monkey! i realise i do have a predilection for primates! haha actually most mammals will do... for some reason, i don't like reptiles, invertebrates and other, shall i say, lower life forms? hahaha.
Animal Photo 1
Oh and i havent had the chance to post the results of the Zoo trip - so i'll just pick 2 to put it up. :)
Ying Ci - hot and chic!
and she also doesn't like the photo. gosh. same as meifang. i think i can go hang my camera up in shame. hehehe
Toh Han hard at work!
follow the picture to the 2nd days worth of photography for PHS.
Prof Arthur Lim / Ying Ci!
follow the photo- which links to the first day of PHS!
or alternatively, grab the photoset link on the bottom RHS of the page, under "photo pages."