Sunday, May 21, 2006

God Hates Fags...

Now heres an interesting website.

first off, im not a christian... but wow. would you just take a look at the wonderful things the westboro baptist church has been up to?

i mean, hey! as the title states: god HATES fags... which i presume would be totally in keeping with the idea that love is supposed to abound from him...

we shall for the sake of arguement, define hate as the absence and opposite of love. simple? now let us consider this other statement: love being what keeps the little bastards who hate other people, think spiteful and malicious thoughts about the destruction of cities so entirely strong in christ.

Love is whats supposed to be keeping them from hell because hey, if god didn't love the obviously imperfect YOU (and me and the rest of our sinful lot), you'd be going to hell sonny boy. so either the fags burn (see link) and the people who think murderous thoughts about sinners don't vis a vis the bible is bunk, and implying that god is obviously homophobic with differential levels of love for us flawed humans...

or, the fags burn and the same people above burn. (which would please me greatly)

lets not get to hoity toity when reading select chapters about the bible shall we?

p.s: i still think religion doesn't suit my consitution. it erks my sense of responsibility. and the concept of misappropriated absolutes scare me.

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