look at the decor!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Kelvin.. the young don juan (maybe)
Look at kelvin (mid frame bottom)! hes looks so cuutttee after koping the flower for decorations...
he'll be a breaker of hearts one day... mark my words! mark my words!
:) or hopefully, not. heh (touch wood)
kinda cool talking to him today and teaching him how to use my camera. especially since ive been around since he was born (my sec 3 year can you imagine that?). hes almost like a nephew of mine! one that ive always visited regularly, played with, had dinner together and seen growing from a baby to the *dashing* young man he is today. *proud tears!*
also, mr and mrs c (left), one of the most loving couples in the world, as well as ping loong (center to right) with his mum and sis.
ahhh...the joys of the boarding school get-togethers.
ACS Forever!
High table dinner today...
and look!
corporate mugs! hahahaha. only acs is rich and cocky enough. :)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
closing the evening.
its so nice to have to actually go out with another true blue photographer who doesn't mind trudging it out to get the *best* possible shot! and who is possibly just as anal as you are when it comes to the perfect balance of composition, ISO., shutter and aperture settings. mhm. very happy indeed. thanks jinesh for the introductions!
some thoughts:
the cityscape photos while pretty decent, are lacking somewhat, they need more dramatic clouds - which would fill in the spaces at the top of the frame. its a pity we didn't arrive slightly earlier to catch the evening light...
the flower shots were pretty interesting, and i think the abstract one works better. (mainly because i find the sharply focused ones too harsh.)
green and fly work stunningly together whilst the flower and spider seems to lack the same energy and punch. then again, i guess one is enough. i shall be content.
jenita's (have i got this spelling correct?) are nice. pity she didn't pose more. shes really quite photogenic. :)
still haven't koped the photos off alex's camera for the wideangle shots of the soccer team we saw. will post them when i can get them :)
oh. and hey. $1 street ice cream has to be the BEST way to end any outing. (thats a personal perspective.) haha
Sunday, May 21, 2006
God Hates Fags...
Now heres an interesting website.
first off, im not a christian... but wow. would you just take a look at the wonderful things the westboro baptist church has been up to?
i mean, hey! as the title states: god HATES fags... which i presume would be totally in keeping with the idea that love is supposed to abound from him...
we shall for the sake of arguement, define hate as the absence and opposite of love. simple? now let us consider this other statement: love being what keeps the little bastards who hate other people, think spiteful and malicious thoughts about the destruction of cities so entirely strong in christ.
Love is whats supposed to be keeping them from hell because hey, if god didn't love the obviously imperfect YOU (and me and the rest of our sinful lot), you'd be going to hell sonny boy. so either the fags burn (see link) and the people who think murderous thoughts about sinners don't vis a vis the bible is bunk, and implying that god is obviously homophobic with differential levels of love for us flawed humans...
or, the fags burn and the same people above burn. (which would please me greatly)
lets not get to hoity toity when reading select chapters about the bible shall we?
p.s: i still think religion doesn't suit my consitution. it erks my sense of responsibility. and the concept of misappropriated absolutes scare me.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
HAI = Hospital Acquired Infection
My First HAI! hahah im so happy/sad/delirious/febrile/joyful/morbid/delighted (etc etc) now! imagine that! MY FIRST HAI! whee!
was sniffling throughout the entire day and was feeling basically shitty. all i could think of was:
1: how to get home (to rest.. NOT to mug)
2: how not to give it to my patients
3: how i got it...
under category 3, came visions of TB patients, HepB/C patients, Acute pneumonia/lung abcess patients, HIV+ve patients, infective endocarditis patients, cellulitis patients (enough examples :) )and all the other strange and acute diarrhoea/ bloody stooled patients that we saw.
true, i probably have just the common cold and its probably spuriously associated with clinics - (other than the fact that i reach home exhausted everyday and my immunity levels are now crap)... but it led me to think: what if i DID come down with a HIGH fever? what if i started to cough BLOODY sputum or have unbearable NECK stiffness... would i freak out? would i begin to blame my profession? or blame the patients? or maybe just curse myself with not taking the adequate precautions whilst examining them. once again under category 3...
I saw some pretty disturbing sights as i was wandering around SGH. what with certain nurses removing bloodied IV plugs with their bare hands and certain doctors having intimate contact with patient's corneas via ungloved and unwashed hands. its a tradeoff i think, between comfort and health safety. we tend to think that the unexpected will never happen to us while we're well and only live to regret it when it happens. the nurse is now a running hepB/hiv hazard, and the doctor is in all probability happily dishing out major epidemics of adenovirus related episodes of keratoconjunctivitis.
time i think to take the safety precautions more seriously, lest we forget and slip into our deceptively safe comfort zones. consequences are dire.
In other news, and i feel i just have to blog about this... no offense to the party involved, i JUST FEEL THIS WAY DAMN IT:
i like to sleep, i like to sleep in, i like my sanity inducing sleep.
i seriously still see no obvious advantage of early mornings. the patients are supposed to be fresher in the morning and that may well be so.. BUT, we don't do that many cases in the morning do we?
so i come later, end later and.. tada! suprise suprise, ive found those nice patients who still talk during the afternoon, and ive covered the same darn ground. true. i don't get to see the preop patients. but is there a need to do this everyday? ive seen my share of thyroid lumps, hernias and breast lumps. so am i done? fini!... theres still tons of medicine and other surgery cases to be filled in.
lumps and bumps are costing me my sleep! *WRAAH BAAAAAHH PHOWWAAAA* the others aren't. and im NOT MISSING MUCH as i still come on saturdays (for the extra bonus points)
still, for your sake my friend, I WILL TRY TO MAKE IT BY 8 in the morning.
*grumbles.. (though not too loudly). heh*
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
don't *pray pray!*
heh. its not everyday you get to see the first coin operated laundrette in the UK you know! *ah* happy memories...
Friday, May 12, 2006
our cg group:
Left to right: Siying, Peiyun, Huimin, Howen, Weikiong, Ou Yang, Randal
snap snap
our photographers, allison and felicia taking photos of the extended volume ceiling at the national library...with an almost military-like precision in posture!
the Mona Lisa smile...
not quite!
*pictured: huimin with an NG tube(nasogastric tube) inserted!
i really have to salute her courage... especially when the first two tries failed and the tube got stuck at her pharynx for at least 8 minutes! thankfully the prof in-charge managed to coax it in after some relaxation exercises.
still, all in all, as she sat there, nearly retching, all of us seated around her felt the tension too. everyone was rather on edge. hah!
leads me to the rather cynical conclusion: better the patient then us. lol. (just kidding :))