Saturday, March 25, 2006

Really really interested fans...

DSC_7440, originally uploaded by oyclubsnap.

happens at all sports days... the forced crowd just fizzles to boredom.

i appreciate the irony that i used to skip the sports meet whilst still studying in ACS. (im basically your non-athletic male model of the "over-the-counter slacker nerd")

yet, today, im taking extremely precious time off my finals mugging schedule to attend a sports meet from an institution i don't even belong to anymore!

life has changed - or rather, i've changed.

past: gee the shade at this meet really sucks, im still really hot! where the !*@&ing hell is the drink machine? And who the *!^&@ organised this shit anyway its bloody lonnng!?

present: hmm, the shade doesn't afford a good angle..lets stand in the FULL SUN like an idiot and decline drinks WILLINGLY proffered by students for fear of missing that perfect shot. Who the !*&@^ organised this anyway, theres not enough events!

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