without all the fuss of blood and gore...
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
Instant Noodles
the secrets out! theres heaven on earth!
it comes in the form of stringy yellowed noodles cooked in powdered salty bliss!
ah... Maggie! art thou beautiful! :)
*this message has been proudly brought to you by two packets of Maggie Asam Flavoured Noodles at 2.40am, 13/2/06!*
a rush of blood to the head as i sink my teeth into salted carbo goodness... toodles! im off to eat!
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Today was good. howabout you? *grin*
in wandering about and leaving no traces.
theres joy in accompanying the familiar made new,
theres joy in the moonlight illuminating a perfect you.
theres joy in the presence of a family made complete,
in sharing whats sweet in the hellish military heat.
theres joy in hospitality given willing and graciously
theres joy in leaving the day made joyous perfectly.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
The Aftermath
I don't now whats it about him, but heh, weesoon gets it all the time. :)
Weesoon ROCKS!
a transcript:
oy: eh don't delete the photos are *passes over camera*
ws: heheheheh
jx: don't you dare delete the f**king photos!
ws:ok lah guys, wha lao...
jx: delete then nvm loh.. we'll just strip you again!
ws: er... ok lah guys.. no need no need... *passes back camera*
Friday, February 10, 2006
Economic thinking

DSC_1553, originally uploaded by youheng1.
attended a finance seminar today on the effects of trading in emerging markets vs mature ones.
i was suprised at the depth of economic thought:
(in response to a question about the rise in american long term bonds)
bonds have not been doing well, given the high growth of the economy as the investors want increased cash liquidity and cash on demand...
given hurricane katrine and the destruction of iraqi oil fields :
rising oil prices -> trading in commodities -> slow down of medium to large sized businesses -> decrease in GDP and per annual growth -> predicted rise in bond prices -> increased american bond volatility -> decreased Korean bond volatility...
and it continues to this long chain of even more obscurely related economic effects...
i stand amazed.
Well i promised to write
WOAH (oddly enough, it rhymes with woe)
Its the dizzying pace of life thats beginning to pick up again - just after the last CA's too! Im actually not quite sure whether i've personally come to terms with the last one, but then again, YLLSM seems to think otherwise. Who am i to disagree?
Still, the CA's have started to Loom. Its really the quickening of pulse rates, kanchong behaviour and the merry popping of Nescafe's "New Improved Flavour Arabica Bean" poptops that are telling markers for whats about to transform MD5 and its surroundings into another all day, all night, all holiday and all weekend war against the ultimate sin in Singapore, failure.
Long story short, once again the motley crew comprising of medsoc and peri-medsoc drifters are going to be strengthening our bonds via dota-ing, chatting, bitching, mugging it out (impt) and yes, drinking a whole lot of medicine's favourite drink in the process. Im salivating at the thought, so try me!
Still, this CA promises to be better than the last - both in terms of emotional and intellectual preparation:
First off, im happily missing the post-prandial, post-holidatory and pre-amourous mood that set the tone for the last CA. Its going to be a huge bonus in the "intelligence" skill points allocation. Realistically speaking, the timing couldn't have been worse for the last CA.
Secondly, while i did PASS patho, i did horribly badly - got 50 to be exact. Its a wake up call that perhaps attending 0% of lectures for a subject, (yes thats a FACT :) ) isn't exactly well tolerated in Medicine with the capital M. Im heeding that call and i'll be redoubling my efforts for this one.
as a summary of whats happening to date: most projects seem have died down - MIF is gradually crystallizing into a forseeable timeline, float handover seems emminent and my personal house has been in greater order than its been for ages. Im happy!
I think i'll be alright.
and i hope you'll be too.
Sunder: thanks man... you are the light in my dark hours! i was cursing the human race till you pointed out that you would no sooner curse a tree for being green then you would for a human engaging in momentary tardiness.
natw: yups. as good advice is meant to be acted upon, i did post the update on the MIF. Presto, no more queries! hehe. actually not really. but at least it brought the queries down to a much more tolerable level.
p.s: on a mildly interesting note-
todays lecture on diagnostic radiology was pretty dry until up popped this queer looking slide of the pelvic area.
being the warped person ive built my reputation on, i gasped and chortled immediately...
10 seconds latter, the similar minded began to gasp too...
a further 10 seconds later, mr radio prof decides to reveal what the oddly shaped object is:
its a vibrator for crying out loud!
Heavy groaning of the entire LT rapidly ensued.
still, the best part has yet to come:
student: um.. so prof.. was it still working.. when.. uh.. you know.. the X-ray was taken?
prof: No
prof (as dry as dry can be!): As you can see, the borders are distinct... which indicates a lack of motion... *uses pointer* you can clearly see the batteries *here* and the motor *here* with the attachment which causes it to vibrate.. and the head *here* is a radiolucent structure... any questions?
student: *quiet cough*
rest of students: *ahhhh*
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Sometimes i wonder
SOMETIMES I wonder if you guess
The deep impassioned tenderness
Which overflows my heart;
The love I never dare confess;
Yet hard, yea, harder to repress
Than tears too fain to start.
Sometimes I ponder, O my sweet,
The things I'll tell you when we meet;
But straightway at your sight
My heart's blood oozes to my feet
Like thawing waters in the heat,
Confused with too much light.
I hardly know, when you are near,
If it is love, or joy, or fear
Which fills my languid frame;
Enveloped in your atmosphere,
My dark self seems to disappear,
A moth entombed in flame.
Alast, She Understands! (in caps no less)
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Friday, February 03, 2006
Its one of those days
...i just want to scream and it feels as if the world is conspiring to get me down.
some highlights:
First was the instruments. Yes, its taking long, and the finances are horribly messy... as are the logistics. Yes, people are bugging me about the instruments. Yes, the instruments were supposed to be in last week... but it doesn't stop the companies from failing to deliver. it just so tediously complex in face of the upcoming CA's which, YES, i haven't studied for either... So am i stressed? you could say a little.
Secondly, my schedule in ACS. I work parttime too. Its mentally and physically exhausting to be coping with both (med and work). Especially since i broke my productive study schedule to rush back to teach. Am i disgruntled? you could say a little too.
Thirdly, the extremely unsatisfactory phone call in which i was slammed for being a busybody... thankfully thats been settled... i meant well m'dear even if you took it the wrong way (a better solution would have been to just clearly defined my role.. i may have tried to do too much!). anyway, whats said and done, its still no excuse that i was a naggy bitch. Am i annoyed? you could say mildly so... about the lack of communication for want of anything better to pin it on. anyway, i know you've been having a pretty bad time yourself - i do hope life resolves itself *hugs*.
Fourthly, yesterday. Oh i don't even want to begin. I just wish people would take RSVP's seriously (ie. reply - so i don't have to play the guessing game whether you're coming) and not cancel at the last minute. I do have to buy the food and im not exactly walking on SUNSHINE. Food costs money. Food saves lives in the banana republics around the world. Both are a bad thing to waste. Anyway, to all the folks redhanded out there, be reassured im not pissed or anything. i've learnt that theres always going to be a fair proportion of last minute change of plans. its just so annoying in general.
And the best of all (we're reaching the crux):
i was mocked by the macadamia nuts on my desk. ok maybe not mocked but rudely shaken into this reality: the incredible lacklusterness of being.
what caught my eye was the phrase: expiry date is printed on the packet.
for crying out loud... the thought suddenly popped into my mind. Does emotion have an expiry date?
and then i realised -
theres no running when you realise you've been running from yourself all this while.
i cannot live a lie. neither can i move on.
whats to be done?
'm beginning to fray at the ends/coming undone one thread at a time.
a rollarcoaster existance with its highs and lows/when will you learn to forget the plunge?
i guess its in the dizzying exhilaration of ascent...
Thursday, February 02, 2006
On-camera flash.
On the whole, i think the on-camera flash spoilt the photo. In this case, i would have gladly traded grain with better colour (the other photo is shot at iso 1600)! The flash looks unnatural and vulgar. I do -NOT- likes it at all.
Wish i had my sigma external with me for a bounced flash... but then again that unit has proven just so unreliable im tempted to just sell it away at a loss...
Dinner crowd!
Happy Chinese New Year to ALL! Pass exams! find love! prosper! and all that good stuff... best wishes :)