Tuesday, November 29, 2005

British WWII memorial

DSC_7263, originally uploaded by youheng1.

Another one from myanmar. This memorial was an oasis in a desert - cut grass and well maintained front garden with clean structures. Very much unlike the grime covered buildings all over the city falling into disarray... it seems the british treat their dead with more respect and dignity then the people of myanmar do for themselves.


maybe its just because the british are filthy rich and the natives are filthy poor. In anycase, money or shall we say currency has ridiculously absurd effects when applied to a banana country. Does the foreign currency really have so much economic worth that the disparity in standards would be so great? one wonders...

Anyway, on the bright side (sense the sarcasm in the force Luke!), money has often been pushed aside and chastised for being the "Ultimate Goal". Yet, here we have the junta moving into the mountains - an economically unfeasible plan if there ever was one.

Good on them then! Im guessing they must have other goals in life other than chasing money! This has to be appluaded by all standards! (quite surprise surprise unlike the money ruled but cash heavy singapore do you think?)

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