Sunday, October 19, 2008

Christmas Prayer

christmas dinner08 093-2, originally uploaded by Ou yang Youheng.

Argh! Calvins gonna get the noisy sticks!

christmas dinner08 068, originally uploaded by Ou yang Youheng.

Annual Christmas Dinner at ACS!

acschristmas copy, originally uploaded by Ou yang Youheng.

Yummy desert.

Too bad the icecream was such a letdown. never tasted such weak rum and rasin! :(

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Man himself.

christmasacprep 039, originally uploaded by Ou yang Youheng.

Siva should be on a dollar bill!

phs2008 440-Edit, originally uploaded by Ou yang Youheng.

ACS Boarders watch a very special video about themselves.

christmasacprep 069, originally uploaded by Ou yang Youheng.