Monday, September 29, 2008

happy claris!

poolpartymooncakefest 179, originally uploaded by Ou yang Youheng.

Lantern time (pearlly)

poolpartymooncakefest 170, originally uploaded by Ou yang Youheng.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

High grain landscape.

DSC_3016, originally uploaded by Ou yang Youheng.

oh i love the dreamy feel of this picture... singapore just doesn't have the clouds for this.

shot in new zealand a few years back - and finally postprocessed today!

My linh.

goodbyesusan 189b, originally uploaded by Ou yang Youheng.

magnificent. :) taken on the day that susan left.

susan! come back to singapore whenever you can, we miss you.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to me! :)

yhbirthday2008 002, originally uploaded by Ou yang Youheng.

I really love Alex, Delia and Jiashen.

Where do you get friends who will surprise you at 11pm with a sudden burst of song and good cake to boot?

Really appreciated it guys.

Oh and starwars - clonewars animated was so-so. not good, not bad. watchable if you haven't got anything better to do...

Little Indian food from sometime ago...

wanqing23 188, originally uploaded by Ou yang Youheng.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

happy times!

durian outing 038, originally uploaded by Ou yang Youheng.