Sunday, June 29, 2008

Between Iraq and Hard place. so love rory brenner!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Random old photo from HJC! :)

DSC_3505, originally uploaded by Ou yang Youheng.

Small Joke:

When a panel of doctors was asked to vote on adding a new wing to their hospital, the Allergists voted to scratch it and the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves.
The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it, but the Neurologists thought the administration had a lot of nerve, and the Obstetricians felt they were all labouring under a misconception.
The Ophthalmologists considered the idea shortsighted; the Pathologists yelled, "Over my dead body", while the Paediatricians said, "Oh, Grow up!"
The Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness, the Radiologists could see right through it, and the Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing.
The Internists thought it a bitter pill to swallow, and the Plastic Surgeons said, "This puts a whole new face on the matter."
The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward, but the Urologists felt the scheme wouldn't hold water.
The Anaesthesiologists thought the whole idea was a gas and the Cardiologists didn't have the heart to say no.
In the end, the Proctologists left the decision up to some asshole in administration.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


killingfields 231, originally uploaded by Ou yang Youheng.

the damned maxtor 500gb harddisk i bought to back up all my photos DIED less then 48 hours after its purchase - taking down ALL MY PHOTOS from the last 7 years. its 300 gigs of photos, 10 gigs of research articles, another gig or two of really precious stuff to me that are gone.

hopefully a data recovery service can do something about it.


the irony is that i bought the damn drive to prevent precisely this. the catastrophic loss of everything!

wedding photos, trips overseas... oh hell im depressed indeed.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Wedding Tea Ceremony

0113, originally uploaded by Ou yang Youheng.

Sunday, June 01, 2008


vincentrebecca 793b, originally uploaded by Ou yang Youheng.