Heres the link to the entire set of photos! :) enjoy!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
HeART for ART 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Hitherto unpublished.. Jinesh
Jinesh made up to look even more handsome than usual. :P
perhaps hes bemoaning COFM too.
This photo from Fright Night 2005 is particularly reminiscent of the shit COFM is now.
Since COFM is a lifeless state, life cannot exist with COFM. Ie, all COFMers are currently not living, shackled and quite possibly, IN PAIN.
oh damn it - paper calls.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Amsterdam Flower Market. :)
heh. well not technically a flower. but pretty nonetheless....
im coming to love katzung. seriously the chapter on diuretics is so clear it cuts all the bullsh*t out of the previous pharmaco lectures. It actually explains why the hell some diuretics are K+/Ca2+/Mg2+ ion wasting or sparing.
Human Stupidity is Amazing!
Stolen GPS devices make for easy burglary arrest
January 19, 2007 13:10
Lindenhurst (NY) - A trio of thieves who looted GPS systems out of cars in a New York garage had a tough time concealing their location, as the devices led police right to the suspects' home.
In total, 14 GPS handhelds were taken from the Town of Babylon Public Works parking garage in Lindenhurst, NY. Reportedly, the thieves thought they were stealing cell phones and were not aware that they were actually taking handfuls of the most easily trackable products.
Upon learning of the thefts, it was not long before the police were able to track down the suspect right to his doorstep, where they arrested 46-year-old Kurt Husfeldt of criminal possession of stolen property.
His 13-year-old son, who participated in the crime, was also taken into police custody on charges of grand larceny. Police also found and arrested 20-year-old accomplice Steven Mangiapanella, slapping him with a grand larceny charge as well.
Just over the past year, there have been several GPS thieves, almost all of which have been tracked down. However, because this case involved the theft of systems from government employees and vehicles, and the fact that there were several of the devices, activated, sitting in one place, made it particularly easy for the police to recover the stolen goods.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Stock picks.
See financials.
The company was hurt badly in the last 6 months at it faced strong price pressures due to high rubber prices which have since decreased. From a peak of 2.40USD/kg in june/july/august 06, the prices showed a temporary dip in december 06 to 1.50USD/kg - this downward trend has not continued - since then the price of raw latex has climbed to 1.9USD/kg. However, i believe that this is a temporary elevation in latex prices. In anycase, as this is an industry wide problem, i believe that the company will soon be able to pass on the expenses to the consumers should the latex prices continue to rise.
Taking a look at the last financial statement (1/2 year closure) shows a company in consolidation for expansion into new markets which is in line with their roadmap 07/08.
they have lost gross margins YOY 3% and net profits YOY 13%. However, in light of the rubber price peak and the inital high startup cost of creating new distribution networks in new markets (US and Europe) as well as their diversification in product portfolios, these reductions in earnings are within expectation.
On the marketfront, I believe the negative market sentiment has stabilised - signs of recovery are in place.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Financial Closure for 2006
Net gain 10k. @ 25% returns annually... (pretty cool considering i was about to sell earlier but was hung up because of a faulty internet connection to my e-broker. that delay in selling bagged me about 1k extra cash.. i LIKE *mwuahahahaha*)
stock thoughts: decided to get the hell out of the market now - even though it looks more bullish then ever.
Many of the papers have begun the post new year doom-saying (predicting a feburary plunge) Unfortunately, the stock market isn't an exact science - negative consumer sentiment (as generated by an over cautious media) is going to hurt really badly in the next few months because "everybody" will believe in the stock slowdown. Its a vicious cycle that will perpetuate for a bit before recovery. It will screw in particular, short-term and small/medium investors (ie: me)
Other thoughts:
Mediflex - thats a stock that really puzzles me - first: for no apparent reason/good news, it triples in price in 2 months. Next, it recently issued a profit warning (which will be quite bad) and its takeover bid by rival glove company "topglove" is still unconfirmed. Yet, wow! the stock still rises!
If you like a rollercoaster stock. you can try playing this one. personally im sceptical or hamchee. i don't have the guts to play with entirely spectulative companies.
Topglove claims to be able to turn the company profitable in the next 6 months... We shall see. Mediflex has had almost 1.5 years of losses - Topglove had better be a magic enough pill to reverse the damage.
Monday, January 08, 2007
The Joy started here...
one of the first few photos taken with my dear brenda at the dover white cliffs! :)
will post others when i have the time and energy... for now, im glad to be back after a harrowing rush to the airport and a deary 12 hours flight back home.
unfortunately, cofm, acs work and my upcoming play calls.
btw.. do come for the play! there are still seats!
7.30pm, Friday, Saturday or Sunday Night.
Singapore Dance Repertory Theatre (Down at Clark Quay)
Title: Bedroom Farce
Price: $20/25
Tickets either from me or at the door.